Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Films

I was amazed tonight during class to see the variety of films created- those about friendships, births, core content, vacations, cooking instructions, cars, etc. Each person added an artistic element unique to what the film revealed to be their very own personality.

Personally, I was most interested (not that the rest weren't great) to see the ones that provided instructions and content. These provided examples of how I can use MovieMaker in my classroom.


  1. Chlodys, I'm with you. Although I enjoyed the diversity of the films, the ones that were the most helpful were the curriculum focused ones. www.storycenter.org has a wide range of digital stories that I'm sure could be used in the classroom--- everything from race relations, interdependence within ecosystems, family history and others which are interesting and powerful and could lead to really great class discussion about the topics they cover.

  2. I too loved the short films. It was extremely interesting to see the topics that everyone chose to do their movie about.
